The history of Crawford Adventist Academy (CAA) began with a single elementary school (grades 1-6) in the 1950's as the Toronto Junior Academy (TJA). TJA was created by the faithful members of the Willowdale Seventh-day Adventist Church in 1953. One year later a new larger facility was constructed thanks, in part, to the generous donation of philanthropist, Dr. Erwin Crawford.
Twenty-five years later, on August 15, 1978, the Toronto Adventist District School Board (TADSB) was organized as a corporate body by a number of Seventh-day Adventist (SDA) Churches in Toronto to operate Christian schools, beginning with TJA, that would model the whole-person development model and values of the denomination. Today there are 38 member churches with over 12,000 members who, through the Ontario Conference of Seventh-day Adventists and their local churches, contribute over $1.8 Million (about 30%) to the required operating budget of our schools.
As TJA grew, the need for a Junior High School (grade 7-8) and a High school (grade 9-12) division became the goal. This goal was realized in 1981 on the original TJA premises at Finch & Bathurst. The school was expanded and renamed Crawford Adventist Academy in honour of Dr. Erwin Crawford.
In 1995 a Junior Kindergarten (JK) program was added to CAA Elementary in response to the community's request. The JK program has remained at or near full capacity ever since. CAA elementary division (grade JK-6) is currently looking to expand both its program and facilities over the next two years.
Similarly, in 1994 the Peel Adventist School (PAS) was founded to serve the needs of the Brampton and Mississauga communities. PAS rented space from the Brampton Seventh-day Adventist Church for few months until its renovated rented space at 147 Queen Street West in Brampton was ready for occupancy. However, the new facility was quickly outgrown and in 1996 the school was relocated to the Mississauga SDA Church where its enrollment grew from 26 to 80 students. Six years later, in August of 2002 the present facility at 57 McMurchy Avenue South in Brampton, was purchased, and in September of 2003 the facility school opened its doors to 95 students.. The new facility includes six full size classes, a library/computer room, a multipurpose room/gym, and two playground areas. At present CAAP is near its capacity of 150 students and hopes to acquire a larger facility to host a JK-12 academy.
In 2003, the Toronto Adventist District School Board (TADSB) acquired a property in Scarborough at 4342 Lawrence Avenue to build an expandable JK-6 school to serve that community's need.
Our schools are known for producing sought after high school graduates, achieving an average of over 98% university acceptance rate. Our graduates more often than not, are accomplished professionals including theologians, engineers, accountants, physicians, lawyers, dentists, pastors, designers, musicians, and more. Our elementary program is known for the effectiveness of its reading program. Our Senior Kindergarten students are able to read intelligently before they enter grade one. Through the effective integration of faith and learning, all our students develop a greater appreciation for God, the Bible, and their role in making a meaningful contribution to society.
With God's guidance and your support, we look forward to a new era of bringing revitalized holistic Christian education to more children and families in our communities for many decades to come.